Saturday, August 23, 2014

Philippine-American Friendship Day 2014: Another Year Of Strengthening The Knot

Lourdes Anne C. Gamalo

The American Corner of the University of San Carlos Downtown Campus' official poster for its annual celebration of the Philippine-American Friendship Day last July 4, 2014

Nota Bene: Before narrating the details of what transpired during the Philippine-American Friendship Day, the member assigned to this task (documentation), would like to inform the readers ahead of time that the member can only provide a few information regarding the occasion due to another academic event in conflict with the schedule of the highlighted celebration

Every July 4th of the year, American Corner located inside Fr. Bernard Bonk Library of the USC-DC would hold its celebration of the Philippine-American Friendship Day. This year, the staff of American Corner along with its librarian Mrs. Lorna Eguia and in partnership with Team Superpower of International Relations and Foreign Service 141: Special Topics in International Relations class hosted this year's celebration with fun and games as it filled the corner with American banners, flags and pamphlets and gave prizes and souvenirs to both the visitors and the participants. 

The event started (based on the poster) with a film showing. Fortunately, the team was just in time to join the crossword puzzle as they competed with a few students from different courses (probably from the School of Business and Economics... just a wild guess). The participants were five all-in-all, one boy and four girls. As the competitors were set, the working scholars of the American Corner (since Miss Lorna was away) served as the facilitators of the game, they simply walked them through with the instructions (concise and quick as expected). The participants were provided with the same sheet of paper, on it was the the puzzle set they had to fill in; they were only given 10-15 minutes to finish the puzzle. We could all feel the rush as the facilitators held their breaths while keeping track of the time while the participants were busy filling in the empty crossword boxes. 

As the game ended, the participants were asked to stay and relax as the facilitators deliberate the answers of each and every one of them. After the checking, they announced that it resulted to a tie; each of the participants were given goodies form American Corner such as Americanized pens and pencils. At the end of the game, each of them were given certificates of participation. 

After the fun game, the competitors, along with the students from different courses took a seat and watched another fictional movie fitting to the crowd. It was just the right movie for the majority of the visitors in the room (referring to the female population, obviously). 

Overall, the celebration provided an energetic aura, giving the students all the more reason to stay in and participate. The students were able to socialize, have fun, and learn - all at the same time!

Well, let us admit that celebrating and hosting events of any Friendship Day with the Philippines is beneficial for the students because it gives them a sneak peak of the culture and history of the foreign country. Not only does this serve as a channel of learning for the students, but it also helps us remember and strengthen our knot of friendship with our neighbors who provided us assistance in keeping our country prosperous and secure. 

American-azing, is it not?

The students were welcomed with star-spanggled decorations courtesy of the American Corner!

Meet the Crossword Puzzle contestants! (the fifth one too the photo, by the way)

The participants did not crack under pressure! 

Yay! Groupie with President Obama! 

Jeramy strikes a pose with a long lost relative! (Just kidding)


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