Monday, August 18, 2014

Typical Ways of Observing Friendship Day

Gail Padayhag

Globalization has brought the nation-state into building ties with one another, acknowledging that the traditional thinking which is more about military might of building relationship is not the only way to gain influence and allies. In conducting international relations, negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements all these are under the art of diplomacy. But through the acknowledgement of non-traditional thinking, diplomacy has also evolved and went beyond the nation-state institutions. When one talks about diplomacy, the ambassadors or government institutions are always the concept that comes into an individual’s mind and nothing else. But past the concept of the nation-state, Cultural Diplomacy has already been existing. Cultural Diplomacy may best be described as a course of actions, which are based on and utilize the exchange of ideas, values, traditions and other aspects of culture or identity, whether to strengthen relationships, enhance socio-cultural cooperation or promote national interests; furthermore it can be practiced by either the public sector, private sector or civil society (Institute for Cultural Diplomacy , 2014).In cultural diplomacy, any individual can be a cultural diplomat as long as he will be presenting his identity into the international community, regardless of which sector he came from.The celebration of a friendship day is a perfect example of cultural diplomacy. This event allows citizens to share their culture, may it be ancient or pop culture.

In a diverse world, an exchange of cultures can contribute to understanding and respect. A celebration of friendship day between countries eliminates the unfamiliarity of one’s identity. Furthermore, friendship day celebration helps build trust and establishes relationship among citizens to citizens. An exhibit of various cultural related activities such as movie viewing, dance presentation, and even playing traditional games, all these are seen in the celebration of a friendship day.


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