Thursday, October 8, 2015

Resolution for Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day

Resolution for Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day
by Yulia Mercader

Historically, the Philippines and Spain did not have a harmonious friendship to begin with. Filipinos know too well the history. In fact, we were taught as children that Spain colonized the Philippines for a very long time ago.  Spain was our colonizer for 300 years. However, with the fall of Baler, the Philippines and Spain had a change in relations.  This ended Spanish capitulation.
The Siege of Baler was a lengthy military operation of Filipino forces against the final Spanish troops in the Philippines who garrisoned in the church in Baler. After the defeat of Spain, the Spanish survivors were granted safe passage through Manila by President Emilio Aguinaldo for them to return to Spain safely. This simple act of gallantry and military honor was the basis of the promulgation of Republic Act. No. 9187, s. 2002, the Philippine-Spanish Friendship Day. This was a pivotal moment for the relationship of the Philippines and Spain. 
Today, Spain and the Philippines have had a harmonious relationship. Indeed, Spain continues to support the Philippines in aid. The Philippines is the only country in Asia that Spain is helping. In the last five years, Spain has sent 180 euros to the Philippines. Spanish Defense Minister Jose Bono assured that bilateral ties with the countries will continue to strengthen.
It is important to understand these and not be congested in our life but also go beyond our borders. With today’s society, and the advancement of technology we can be citizens beyond our borders, global citizens. And this is one way of honing our understanding of the world. Studying relationships, friendships such as the Philippines and Spain and understanding its impact not just to ourselves but to the world.          
It is important for students to take these celebrations as an opportunity for learning. Other than that, it is important in our development as global citizens to be able to understand the different diversities and our roles in this diversity also. It is through understanding these diversities that we understand how important our role is as citizens of the world. If we know our roles as citizens of the world we begin to think critically of the effects of our actions.
The celebration of these friendship days will also pave way for the students to think critically about global issues. This will allow them to immerse themselves in reading about both countries, not just the history that these countries shared but also how the relationship of both countries developed through the years.
Critical thinking is one important characteristic of a global citizen. This is because for an individual to become a global citizen, one must be knowledgeable of his community. This includes the past and the present.
That is why it important to include these celebrations of Friendship days not just in our classroom discussions but also through forums and dialogues with other International Relations and Foreign Service (IRFS) majors because school, being one of the agents of socialization, helps in forming our perceptions. Therefore, a proposed resolution has been crafted to improve the celebration of the Philippine-Spanish friendship day:

WHEREAS, in recalling Republic Act. No. 9187, s. 2000, declaring June 30 as the Philippine-Spanish Friendship day which corresponds with the anniversary of the Siege of Baler;
WHEREAS, in reiterating the stated proclamation, the International Relations and Foreign Service (IRFS) majors of the University of San Carlos shall emerge themselves in discourse regarding the countries, Philippines and Spain, not just historically but in present day matters as well.
WHEREAS, the celebration of this event could serve as alternative learning for the IRFS majors and can help them think critically and can be open to diversity.
WHEREAS, in celebration of the aforementioned event, IRFS students should organize avenues that would allow IRFS students to discuss topics and issues regarding both mentioned countries. Including other prospects such as info graphic making, poster making, essay writing.
NOW THEREFORE, the Carolinian Circle of Young Diplomats, as moved by member Yulia Karizza Mercader, and seconded by ___________
RESOLVE, to acknowledge that it is an important part of the development of global citizens to be open to diversity and think critically about matters beyond ones borders

RESOLVE, to urge IRFS majors to contribute in celebrating the abovementioned celebration by participating in the different events

1 comment:

  1. Seconding a resolution ought not to appear in its text. -ANFC
