Thursday, October 8, 2015

Reasserting US hegemony

Reasserting US hegemony
by Aretha Belle Geganto

For the past 24 years, right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, United States  (US) has remained to be the sole hegemonic power there is. This title gave United States the power and honor. According to Gramsci, a hegemony does not stay in power through force but it is based upon its dominance both in force and how widespread it is in terms of influences and support from other States. Moreover, according to Buzan a State can be  considered as a hegemony if it obtains the following: 1) substantial material (economic/military) advantages over other powers, and 2) widespread "social" (ideational) support within the system, which includes 2a) a strong domestic will to lead the system and 2b) strong external support for its policies and values. All of which is acquired by the US. However, through time other States are rising to power. One of the notable State is China, the rising superpower of Asia. China is both militarily and economically stable. However, are they as stable as the US? is Chinese influence as widespread as the American influence? Or as simple as the question, can China challenge the US?

            As to current status China is competing with US in terms of material advantages. As of latest statistics China has became the second largest economy next to US. Economically, US has a great deal of influence to a lot of international economic organisation. This give US more leverage. Lastly, the strong influence US has in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) upon which China does not have. Moreover in terms of military, China has a strong force behind them. China is said to be spending $166 billion to support their armed forces. But US has more. There is a record US spending of $682 billion just to support their military. The military capacity of US is incomparable, even with China. They have the ability to project their military force globally. Unlike China, who only possess one active aircraft carrier, the US possess ten of them. Moreover, US has for the longest time established their military bases in over major continents around the world.

            In non-material assents, the US together with its allies from the West are still on the lead. American influence of liberal democracy is dominant among other States around the world. Moreover, they were able to establish soft power in the means of movies, music, novels, amongst many things. And up to this age, most of the worlds prestigious universities and business schools are mostly located in the US. In comparison, the Chinese influence is not as widespread as the US. The economic liberalism and political authoritarianism mix nature of Chinese government has no doubt to inflexible for other States to adapt. Moreover, China might have negotiations with North Korea and Russia but unlike the US, they do not have great powerful alliances in the world stage.

            We might perceive US as declining in terms of social influence and at the same having China rising as an economic power but this wouldnt be for long. According to researchers three dominant reasons as to why US is here to stay as a hegemony: First, appraisal of US foreign policy. Second, american influence abroad. Lastly, the strength of its domestic economy and political institutions. This may not hold true in the coming future but this would all boils down on how US will continue playing their game in the International System.

1 comment:

  1. More elaboration needed along with referencing of sources. -ANFC
