Friday, August 21, 2015

Documentation: Sister-city Relations of City Government of Cebu

Cristine Mae N. Villablanca                                         ABPOSC-IRFS4                                 TTH3:00-4:30
Sister-city Relations of City Government of Cebu

  1. Haarlemmermeer, the Netherlands
    Resolution No. 1706
    Resolution 995 (December 2, 1992)

  2. Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
    Resolution No. 229 (February 06, 1969)

  3. Yeosu City, South Korea
    Resolution No. 652 (October 23, 1996)

  4. Xiamen, China
    Resolution No. 914 (April 1983)

  5. Honolulu City, United States of America
    May 12, 2008

  6. Chula Vista, California, United States of America
    Resolution No. 00-3325

  7. Seattle City, Washington, United States of America
    Resolution No. 10

  8. Paramata, Australia
    Resolution No. 3295

  9. Kitchener, Canada
    Resolution No. 2203
    Resolution No. 2164

  10. Salinas City, California
    Resolution No. 1213 (June 24, 1991)
    Resolution No. 287 (May 1977)

  11. Kortrijk, Belgium
    Letter of Partnership
    Signed on May 17, 2005

  12. Vladivostok, Russia
    Resolution No. 174
    Resolution 713 (September 6, 1995)

  13. Barcelona, Spain
    Agreement of Friendship and Cooperation
    November 06, 2008

  14. Brisbane, Australia
    Protocol of Intent
    Resolution No. 1111

  15. Rio de Janiero, Brazil
    Protocol of Intent
    Resolution No. 738

  16. Sabrosa, Portugal

  17. Yokohama, Japan
    Resolution No. 13-2253-2015

  18. Hoofdorp, Holland
    Resolution No. 1014

Local Sister-city Relations
  1. City of Manila
    Resolution No. 2636

  2. City of Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur
    Resolution No. 2092

  3. Municipality of Calamba, Laguna
    Resolution No. 2443

  4. Municipality of Burgos, Ilocos Sur
    Resolution No. 2561

  5. City of Angeles, Pampanga
    Resolution No. 2964

  6. City of Tangub, Misamis Occidental
    Resolution No. 09-1385

  7. City of Ormoc
    Resolution No. 97

  8. City of Talisay
    Resolution No. 1646
    Resolution No. 1629

  9. City of Lapu-lapu
    Resolution No. 266

  10. City of Mandaue
    Resolution No. 266

  11. City of Palayan
    Resolution No. 1693

  12. City of Toledo
    Resolution No. 389

  13. City of Laoag
    Resolution No. 472

Proposed Resolution for the celebration of Cebu Korean Day Festival

WHEREAS, in recalling Cebu City Council Resolution NO. 12-0024-11, declaring every 1st Saturday of October as Korean Day;
WHEREAS, in reaffirming the abovementioned resolution, the Cebu City Government through the Cebu City Tourism Commission together with the Cebu Korean Association will hold the 3rd Cebu Korean Festival on October 03, 2013 to October 06, 2013;
WHEREAS, the Cebu City Government commends this festivity as a way of fostering strong and friendly relations with the Korean community who has made the City of Cebu their second home;
WHEREAS, in line with this celebration, street post banners announcing the aforementioned celebration shall be posted along San Jose de la Montana Street;
THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Cebu in a regular session assembled and as moved by Member Cuenco and seconded by Member ________________
RESOLVED HEREBY, to allow the installation of ten (10) pieces of street post banners along San Jose de la Montana Street Cebu City for the Cebu Korean Day Festival;
RESOLVED FURTHER, to direct the Acting Secretary of the Sangguniang Panlungsod to furnish copies of this resolution to the Office of the Building Official, Cebu Korean Association, Cebu City Tourism Commission and all other concerned parties for their information and guidance.

Resolution No. 13-2253-2015
WHEREAS, the City Government of Cebu has formed a sister-city relationship with the City of Yokohama, Japan as expressed through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on March 2012 by both parties;
WHEREAS, the aforesaid Memorandum of Understanding substantially provides for a Technical Cooperation for Sustainable Development in which the parties executed a city-to-city cooperation wherein Yokohama City shall provide technical advice in promoting the eco-city development of Cebu City for a period of three (3) years;
WHEREAS, under the terms of the said memorandum, it is set to expire on March 2015;
WHEREAS, both parties have agreed to renew the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for another three (3) years effective March 2015 to March 2018;
WHEREAS, the City Legal Office has already submitted a legal opinion stating that the stipulations in the said Memorandum of Understanding are in order and not contrary to law, morals, good customs, public policy and public order; and
WHEREAS, the renewal of this Memorandum of Understanding is beneficial to the development of the City of Cebu as well as aid in maintaining sister-city relationship with Yokohama City;
THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Cebu, as moved by Member Cuenco, and seconded by Member Cabrera;
RESOLVED, to authorize Honorable Mayor Michael L. Rama, for and on behalf of the City of Cebu, to enter into and sign the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Yokohama, Japan for a sister-city relationship from March 2015 to March 2018; and
RESOLVED FURTHER, to authorize the Board Secretary to furnish copies of this resolution to the Office of the Mayor and Mr. Fumiko Hayashi, Mayor of Yokohama City, Japan, for their information and guidance.

Sister-city relationships prospered with purpose of promoting peace through mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. It is envisioned to create relationships based on sharing of culture, education, information and trade exchanges. It opens to the opportunity for life-long friendship and citizen diplomacy, connecting two cities from different states with the hope of creating lasting prosperity and peace.
As a Filipino, this sister-city relationship would help me share my culture to the world. They get to see a part and parcel of my whole being by learning my culture. Also, it is even more beneficial to the economy of the Philippines. In this world where interconnectedness prevails, we could see how everyone is connected in one way or another and this would help us understand the need of other states. With this, we don’t just focus on diplomatic, educational and cultural developments but we consider the greatest part of this being influential to the economic development of a state or in this case, of both parties or states. Adam Kaplan, Membership Director at Sister Cities International in Washington DC, says that in late 2009 a number of members were not renewing their membership in an effort to cut public spending but that over the last two years, the same cities were now coming back and asking Sister Cities International how their sister city relationships could be expanded. “Over the last five years there has been significant interest from our members as to how these partnerships can be expanded towards economic development,” says Kaplan. As a Cebuano, I get to enhance my understanding and exposure to a state’s culture and trade exchange between states. We can see that cities operate and compete with each other and in the years to come, the heart of this globalisation will be the increasing flow between regions and shifting of economic power from the biggest and most powerful states to be known. With this, we can see how Cebu City will innovate itself together with the help of its sister-cities and how much development can these relationships bring to the city. As a Carolinian, I could see the diversity of the nationalities in the University and how much it bring colour to the context of the university. This could also be a reason for us to construct a Sister-City monument around the university where we could commemorate special events and sister-city relations celebrations. All this and more can be as we continue to pursue greatness and peace among ourselves. Different cities in this world are driving the global economy and together the unstoppable globalization, we continue to innovate ourselves and become better citizens.

Retrieved from the City Government of Cebu through Ms. Sheida Henry
Retrieved from Cities Today


  1. Other than the need to proof-read, it may have been better to feature a specific undertaking, whether recent or landmark, of any of the sister-city relations and propose for ways forward. It would have also been better if the concept of citizen diplomacy is "layman-ized" for immediate comprehension by people who are not into international relations. -ANFC
